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Recherche Busilook

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Bandeau d'aide

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- Profiles in the sector of activity "Friteries" -

The results are limited to: Belgium   (see all the results)
VWS Frites Distribution
Pommes de terre épluchées et non épluchées

Tel. +32 71 68 90 95      
Fax. +32 (0)71 68 63 74
L'autre Chapelle
Friterie - Snack

Tel. +32 61 21 49 22      
Fax. +32 (0)61 21.49.22
Lacasse-Gnittke Marc
Snack - Friterie

Tel. +32 61 21 12 47      
Pitta King
Snack - Friterie

Mob. +(32)494 677 877